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- 16 bp deletion within Exon 3 on chromosome 1
- Administration of high fat diets to ApoE KO rats has resulted in significantly reduced lifespan (Inotiv does not recommend administering high fat diets to ApoE KO rats)
- At an early age (5- and 10-week-old), ApoE knockouts demonstrate significantly higher serum cholesterol
- Background strain: Sprague Dawley
- Homozygous knockouts exhibit complete loss of ApoE protein via Western blot
Availability: Live colony
Zygosity genotype: Homozygous as live colony
Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is a critical apoprotein of the chylomicron which binds to a specific receptor on liver cells and peripheral cells. Defects in ApoE result in disrupted transportation of lipoproteins, fat-soluble vitamins and cholesterol into the lymph systems, and then into blood.
ApoE is essential for the normal metabolism of lipids. It is expressed in the liver, intestines and brain, preventing the accumulation of cholesterol-rich particles in plasma. Widely studied for its role in cardiovascular disease and lipoprotein transport, it has more recently been implicated in Alzheimer's disease and cognition, making this a useful model for the study of atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's and nerve injury.
The ApoE KO rat model was originally created at SAGE Labs, Inc. in St. Louis, MO and distributed out of the Boyertown, PA facility. The line continues to be maintained through the original SAGE Labs animal inventory acquired by Envigo, then Envigo was acquired by Inotiv in 2021.
Diet and Husbandry:
Our rodent models are raised and maintained on Teklad diet, bedding, and enrichment products:
- Diet: Teklad Global Rodent Diet
- Bedding: Teklad Contact Bedding (U.S. only)
- Enrichment: Teklad Enrichment Products (U.S. only)
Model Support Services:
Inotiv offers related model support services to deliver research-ready models to your facility:

Available regions:
For pricing information, please contact us using the phone number above.

Research use and related publications
- Atherosclerosis
- Cardiovascular
- General studies
- Neuroscience
- Alzheimer's disease
- Cardiovascular
- Neurodegenerative diseases