Mrp1 knockout rats

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- Background strain: Sprague Dawley
- Decreased transport of glutatione-conjugated substrates
- Homozygous knockout rats display total loss of protein via Western blot
- Increased bioavailability of specific substrate Fluorescein
Availability: Cryopreserved as heterozygous embryos
Zygosity: Heterozygous as live colony
This model contains a 43 base pair bi-allelic deletion within the Mrp1 gene, synonym Abcc1a (ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C [CFTR/MRP], member 1a), encoding an ATP-dependent drug transporter.
Mrp1 is a multispecific organic anion transporter that extrudes glutathione-, glucouronide- or sulfate-conjugated substrates (steroids, leukotrienes, etc.), as well as xenobiotic drugs out of cells. Mrp1 can confer multiple drug resistance to tumor cells. Absence of Mrp1 creates a functional deficiency in the cellular transport of some substrates and results in compromised inflammatory response, making this model useful for studying drug transport in inflammatory stimulus response and chemotherapeutic agents.
Origin: The Mrp1 KO rat model was originally created at SAGE Labs, Inc. in St. Louis, MO and distributed out of the Boyertown, PA facility. The line continues to be maintained through the original SAGE Labs animal inventory acquired by Envigo, then Envigo was acquired by Inotiv in 2021.

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Research use and related publications
- Drug metabolism
- Drug resistance
- Drug transporter
- Studying excretion pathways in cancer