Typically heterozygous rats are cryo-recovered in 10-12 weeks to an age of 7 weeks old. Subsequently homozygous rats to an age of 7 weeks old can be produced within 20-22 weeks.
- Background strain: Sprague Dawley
- Cre recombinase driven by endogenous DAT promoter
- No observed ectopic expression of cre
- Targeted insertion eliminates possible gene disruption that may occur in random insertion technologies such as BAC
Availability: Cryopreserved as heterozygous embryos
Zygosity genotype: Homozygous as live colony
This model expresses cre-recombinase under the control of the endogenous dopamine transporter promoter enabling specific expression in dopaminergic neurons. This model possesses a targeted insertion of (IRES)-cre immediately after the translational stop in the open reading frame of DAT. The DAT-Cre rat is useful for applications requiring tissue specific expression, including optogenetics and breeding with transgenic floxed lines.
gem~gem rat~gem rats~knockin rats~knockin rat~Dopamine Transporter DAT-Cre knockin rats~Dopamine Transporter DAT-Cre~Dopamine Transporter~DAT-Cre~DAT-Cre rat~Dopamine Transporter DAT-Cre knockin~HsdSage:SD-Slc6a3tm1(Dat-cre)Sage~Cryopreserved
Origin: The Dopamine Transporter DAT-Cre KI rat model was originally created at SAGE Labs, Inc. in St. Louis, MO and distributed out of the Boyertown, PA facility. The line continues to be maintained through the original SAGE Labs animal inventory acquired by Envigo, then Envigo was acquired by Inotiv in 2021.