

Related publications
General studies
Infectious disease
Retinal ischemia research

General studies

Gawriluk, Thomas R.; Simkin, Jennifer; Hacker, Corin K.; Kimani, John M.; Kiama, Stephen G.; Ezenwa, Vanessa O.; Seifert, Ashley W., Complex Tissue Regeneration in Mammals Is Associated With Reduced Inflammatory Cytokines and an Influx of T Cells, Frontiers in Immunology. 2020.
Belmonte, Krystal Courtney D.; Harman, Jarrod C.; Lanson, Nicholas A.; Gidday, Jeffrey M., Intra- and intergenerational changes in the cortical DNA methylome in response to therapeutic intermittent hypoxia in mice, Physiological Genomics. 2020.
He, Yun; Shi, Junhui; Pleitez, Miguel A.; Maslov, Konstantin I.; Wagenaar, Daniel A.; Wang, Lihong V., Label-free imaging of lipid-rich biological tissues by mid-infrared photoacoustic microscopy, Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2020.
Vaithiyalingam Chandra Sekaran, Nathiya; Deshpande, Meena S.; Ibrahim, Baher A.; Xiao, Gang; Shinagawa, Yoshitaka; Llano, Daniel A., Patterns of Unilateral and Bilateral Projections From Layers 5 and 6 of the Auditory Cortex to the Inferior Colliculus in Mouse, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 2021.
Li, Yang; Li, Lei; Zhu, Liren; Shi, Junhui; Maslov, Konstantin; Wang, Lihong V., Photoacoustic topography through an ergodic relay for functional imaging and biometric application in vivo, Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2020.
Li, Lei; Li, Yang; Zhang, Yide; Wang, Lihong V., Snapshot photoacoustic topography through an ergodic relay of optical absorption in vivo, Nature Protocols. 2021.
Wang, Depeng; Zhang, Huijuan; Vu, Tri; Zhan, Ye; Malhotra, Akash; Wang, Pei; Chitgupi, Upendra; Rai, Aliza; Zhang, Sizhe; Wang, Lidai; Huizinga, Jan D.; Lovell, Jonathan F.; Xia, Jun, Trans-illumination intestine projection imaging of intestinal motility in mice, Nature Communications. 2021.

Infectious disease

Tam, Vincent C.; Suen, Rosa; Treuting, Piper M.; Armando, Aaron; Lucarelli, Ronald; Gorrochotegui-Escalante, Norma; Diercks, Alan H.; Quehenberger, Oswald; Dennis, Edward A.; Aderem, Alan; Gold, Elizabeth S., PPAR-alpha exacerbates necroptosis, leading to increased mortality in postinfluenza bacterial superinfection, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020.
Tam, Kayan; Lacey, Keenan A.; Devlin, Joseph C.; Coffre, Maryaline; Sommerfield, Alexis; Chan, Rita; O’Malley, Aidan; Koralov, Sergei B.; Loke, P’ng; Torres, Victor J., Targeting leukocidin-mediated immune evasion protects mice from Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia, Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2020.
Hernandez, David N.; Tam, Kayan; Shopsin, Bo; Radke, Emily E.; Kolahi, Pegah; Copin, Richard; Stubbe, François-Xavier; Cardozo, Timothy; Torres, Victor J.; Silverman, Gregg J., Unbiased Identification of Immunogenic Staphylococcus aureus Leukotoxin B-Cell Epitopes, Infection and Immunity. 2020.
De, Sai Lata; May, Samuel; Shah, Keshav; Slawinski, Michelle; Changrob, Siriruk; Xu, Shulin; Barnes, Samantha J.; Chootong, Patchanee; Ntumngia, Francis B.; Adams, John H., Variable immunogenicity of a vivax malaria blood-stage vaccine candidate, Vaccine. 2021.

Retinal ischemia research

Harman, Jarrod C.; Guidry, Jessie J.; Gidday, Jeffrey M., Intermittent Hypoxia Promotes Functional Neuroprotection from Retinal Ischemia in Untreated First-Generation Offspring: Proteomic Mechanistic Insights, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2020.


Qusa, Mohammed H.; Abdelwahed, Khaldoun S.; Meyer, Sharon A.; El Sayed, Khalid A., Olive Oil Lignan + Acetoxypinoresinol Peripheral Motor and Neuronal Protection against the Tremorgenic Mycotoxin Penitrem A Toxicity via STAT1 Pathway, ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 2020.

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