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General studies

Hibbing, Michael E.; Dodson, Karen W.; Kalas, Vasilios; Chen, Swaine L.; Hultgren, Scott J., Adaptation of Arginine Synthesis among Uropathogenic Branches of the Escherichia coli Phylogeny Reveals Adjustment to the Urinary Tract Habitat, mBio. 2020.
Kuhn, Hunter W.; Lasseter, Amanda G.; Adams, Philip P.; Avile, Carlos Flores; Stone, Brandee L.; Akins, Darrin R.; Jewett, Travis J.; Jewett, Mollie W., BB0562 is a nutritional virulence determinant with lipase activity important for Borrelia burgdorferi infection and survival in fatty acid deficient environments, PLOS Pathogens. 2021.
Wymore Brand, Meghan; Sahin, Orhan; Hostetter, Jesse M; Trachsel, Julian; Zhang, Qijing; Wannemuehler, Michael J, Campylobacter jejuni persistently colonizes gnotobiotic altered Schaedler flora C3H/HeN mice and induces mild colitis, FEMS Microbiology Letters. 2020.
McDonough, Liam D.; Mishra, Animesh A.; Tosini, Nicholas; Kakade, Pallavi; Penumutchu, Swathi; Liang, Shen-Huan; Maufrais, Corrine; Zhai, Bing; Taur, Ying; Belenky, Peter; Bennett, Richard J.; Hohl, Tobias M.; Koh, Andrew Y.; Ene, Iuliana V., Candida albicans Isolates 529L and CHN1 Exhibit Stable Colonization of the Murine Gastrointestinal Tract, mBio. 2021.
Kumar, Vidya P.; Stone, Sasha; Biswas, Shukla; Sharma, Neel; Ghosh, Sanchita P., Gamma Tocotrienol Protects Mice From Targeted Thoracic Radiation Injury, Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2020.
Aghdam, Saeed; Kenchegowda, Doreswamy; Holmes-Hampton, Gregory P.; Moroni, Maria; P. Ghosh, Sanchita, Impairment of IGF-1 Signaling and Antioxidant Response Are Associated with Radiation Sensitivity and Mortality, International Journal of Molecular Sciences.2021.
Brannon, John R.; Dunigan, Taryn L.; Beebout, Connor J.; Ross, Tamia; Wiebe, Michelle A.; Reynolds, William S.; Hadjifrangiskou, Maria, Invasion of vaginal epithelial cells by uropathogenic Escherichia coli, Nature Communications. 2020.
Brinker, Amanda E.; Vivian, Carolyn J.; Beadnell, Thomas C.; Koestler, Devin C.; Teoh, Shao Thing; Lunt, Sophia Y.; Welch, Danny R., Mitochondrial Haplotype of the Host Stromal Microenvironment Alters Metastasis in a Non-cell Autonomous Manner, Cancer Research. 2020.
McLellan, Lisa K.; Daugherty, Allyssa L.; Hunstad, David A., Sex Differences in Population Dynamics during Formation of Kidney Bacterial Communities by Uropathogenic Escherichia coli, Infection and Immunity. 2021.
Graham, Danielle E.; Groshong, Ashley M.; Jackson-Litteken, Clay D.; Moore, Brendan P.; Caimano, Melissa J.; Blevins, Jon S., The BB0345 Hypothetical Protein of Borrelia burgdorferi Is Essential for Mammalian Infection, Infection and Immunity. 2021.
Stein, Reed M.; Kang, Hye Jin; McCorvy, John D.; Glatfelter, Grant C.; Jones, Anthony J.; Che, Tao; Slocum, Samuel; Huang, Xi-Ping; Savych, Olena; Moroz, Yurii S.; Stauch, Benjamin; Johansson, Linda C.; Cherezov, Vadim; Kenakin, Terry; Irwin, John J.; Shoichet, Brian K.; Roth, Bryan L.; Dubocovich, Margarita L., Virtual discovery of melatonin receptor ligands to modulate circadian rhythms, Nature. 2020.


Olsen, Anja Weinreich; Rosenkrands, Ida; Holland, Martin J.; Andersen, Peter; Follmann, Frank, A Chlamydia trachomatis VD1-MOMP vaccine elicits cross-neutralizing and protective antibodies against C/C-related complex serovars, npj Vaccines. 2021.
McLellan, Lisa K.; McAllaster, Michael R.; Kim, Arthur S.; Tóthová, ?ubomíra; Olson, Patrick D.; Pinkner, Jerome S.; Daugherty, Allyssa L.; Hreha, Teri N.; Janetka, James W.; Fremont, Daved H.; Hultgren, Scott J.; Virgin, Herbert W.; Hunstad, David A., A host receptor enables type 1 pilus-mediated pathogenesis of Escherichia coli pyelonephritis, PLOS Pathogens. 2021.
Gilbert, Nicole M.; Choi, Brian; Du, Jingjie; Collins, Christina; Lewis, Amanda L.; Putonti, Catherine; Wolfe, Alan J., A mouse model displays host and bacterial strain differences in Aerococcus urinae urinary tract infection, Biology Open. 2021.
Beadnell, T. C.; Fain, C.; Vivian, C. J.; King, J. C. G.; Hastings, R.; Markiewicz, M. A.; Welch, D. R., Mitochondrial genetics cooperate with nuclear genetics to selectively alter immune cell development/trafficking, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease. 2020.
Cuellar, Julia; Ĺstrand, Mia; Elovaara, Heli; Pietikäinen, Annukka; Sirén, Saija; Liljeblad, Arto; Guédez, Gabriela; Salminen, Tiina A.; Hytönen, Jukka, Structural and Biomolecular Analyses of Borrelia burgdorferi BmpD Reveal a Substrate-Binding Protein of an ABC-Type Nucleoside Transporter Family, Infection and Immunity. 2020.
Aranjuez, George F.; Lasseter, Amanda G.; Jewett, Mollie W., The Infectivity Gene bbk13 Is Important for Multiple Phases of the Borrelia burgdorferi Enzootic Cycle, Infection and Immunity. 2021.
Salamon, Hagit; Nissim-Eliraz, Einat; Ardronai, Oded; Nissan, Israel; Shpigel, Nahum Y., The role of O-polysaccharide chain and complement resistance of Escherichia coli in mammary virulence, Veterinary Research. 2020.

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