
Inotiv offers the Wistar Institute Melanoma (WM) PDX model collection established from targeted therapy relapsed melanoma patients, spanning BRAF inhibitors, BRAK/MEK inhibitors, immune checkpoint inhibitors and targeted therapy and immunotherapy (TT/IT) combinations. Narrow down the cells that are right for your study below.

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Wistar Institute Melanoma (WM) PDX models

Number Age / Gender Details
WM3927 58 F Biopsy site: SQ
Primary tumor type: SSM
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: BRAFV600K
WM3934 75 F Biopsy site: Pleural fluid
Primary tumor type: NMM
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: Vemurafenib, PD
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: BRAFV600E
WM3940 71 M Biopsy site: SQ
Primary tumor type: MULTIPLE PRIMARIES
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: BRAFV600E
WM4070-1 59 F Biopsy site: SQ
Primary tumor type: Unknown primary
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: BRAFV600K
RPPA: 76, submitted
WM4237 28 F Biopsy site: BRAIN
Primary tumor type: Unknown primary
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: Ipilimumab , PD
Mutation: BRAFV600E
RPPA: 102
WM4007 63 M Biopsy site: MET
Primary tumor type: NA
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: Ipilimumab , PD
Mutation: BRAFV600E
RPPA: 75,102, submitted
WM3901-1 64 M Biopsy site: SQ
Primary tumor type: NA
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: vemurafenib, isolated progression, post sample to WM4007
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: BRAFV600E
RPPA: 75
Notes: Krepler et al., 2016 Clin Cancer Res; 22(7) April 1, 2016. Per CK: BRAF-R= BRAF-Resistant, probably the most popular, treated with Standard of Care targeted therapy.
WM3936-2 70 F Biopsy site: SQ
Primary tumor type: SSM
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: dabrafenib, PR, PFS 39 weeks, OS 97.6 weeks
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: BRAFV600E NRASQ61K
RPPA: 70,76,96, submitted
Notes: Krepler et al., 2016 Clin Cancer Res; 22(7) April 1, 2016. Per CK: BRAF-R= BRAF-Resistant, probably the most popular, treated with Standard of Care targeted therapy.
WM3965-2 37 F Biopsy site: PAROTID
Primary tumor type: SSM
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: vemurafenib, PR, PFS 14.7 weeks, OS 61.1 weeks
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: BRAFV600E
RPPA: 76,96, submitted
Notes: Krepler et al., 2016 Clin Cancer Res; 22(7) April 1, 2016. Per CK: BRAF-R= BRAF-Resistant, probably the most popular, treated with Standard of Care targeted therapy.
WM4071-1 77 M Biopsy site: MET
Primary tumor type: MULTIPLE PRIMARIES
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: vemurafenib, mixed response, PFS 46.7 weeks, OS 58.7 weeks
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: BRAFV600E
RPPA: 76,83, submitted
Notes: Krepler et al., 2016 Clin Cancer Res; 22(7) April 1, 2016. Per CK: BRAF-R= BRAF-Resistant, probably the most popular, treated with Standard of Care targeted therapy.
WM4071-2 77 M Biopsy site: BRAIN
Primary tumor type: MULTIPLE PRIMARIES
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: vemurafenib, mixed response, PFS 46.7 weeks, OS 58.7 weeks
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: BRAFV600E
RPPA: 76,83, submitted
Notes: Krepler et al., 2016 Clin Cancer Res; 22(7) April 1, 2016. Per CK: BRAF-R= BRAF-Resistant, probably the most popular, treated with Standard of Care targeted therapy.
WM3983 93 F Biopsy site: SQ
Primary tumor type: SSM
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: vemurafenib, isolated progression, PFS 29.6 weeks, OS 86 weeks
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: BRAFV600K NRASQ61K
RPPA: 70,76,96, submitted
Notes: Krepler et al., 2016 Clin Cancer Res; 22(7) April 1, 2016. Per CK: BRAF-R= BRAF-Resistant, probably the most popular, treated with Standard of Care targeted therapy.
WM3915-2 65 M Biopsy site: SQ
Primary tumor type: SSM
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: Leukine, PD; Ipilimumab, PD
Mutation: NRASQ61H
WM3974 63 F Biopsy site: SQ
Primary tumor type: MUCOSAL
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: Dasatinib, PR
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: NRAS G12A KIT L576P
RPPA: 102
WM4208 53 M Biopsy site: LN
Primary tumor type: NMM
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: Ipilimumab, PD
Mutation: NRASQ61R
RPPA: 102
WM4224 75 M Biopsy site: LN
Primary tumor type: NMM
Stage at Bx: IIIB
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: Ipilimumab, PR
Mutation: NRASQ61R
RPPA: 102
WM4231-2 77 F Biopsy site: LN
Primary tumor type: NMM
Stage at Bx: III
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: NRASQ61R BRAFV624F
RPPA: 102
WM4082 59 M Biopsy site: MET
Primary tumor type: NMM
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: CD40 agonist + Tremelimumab, PR
Mutation: NF1 P1084L
WM4099 62 F Biopsy site: SQ
Primary tumor type: SSM
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: Ipilimumab, d/c due to toxicity
Mutation: NF1 Q1341X
WM4281 75 M Biopsy site: SQ
Primary tumor type: SSM
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: Ipilimumab, PD
Mutation: NF1
WM4314-1 72 M Biopsy site: SQ
Primary tumor type: NMM
Stage at Bx: III
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: NF1 Q236X
RPPA: submitted
WM3988-1 71 M Biopsy site: LN
Primary tumor type: MUCOSAL
Stage at Bx: IIIC
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: Ipilimumab, PD
Mutation: WT
WM4039-2 45 M Biopsy site: LOCAL RECURRENCE
Primary tumor type: MUCOSAL
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: Ipilimumab, PD
Mutation: WT
WM4254 69 M Biopsy site: SPINE
Primary tumor type: LMM
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: Ipilimumab, PD, Anti-PD1, PD
Mutation: WT
RPPA: 102
WM4263 42 F Biopsy site: SPINE
Primary tumor type: Unknown primary
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: Ipilimumab, PD
Mutation: WT
RPPA: 102
WM3921 61 M Biopsy site: MET
Primary tumor type: Amelanotic
Stage at Bx: IV
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: None
Immune therapy prior to Bx: None
Mutation: WT
WM3924 63 M Biopsy site: Wide Excision, L chest wall
Primary tumor type: Back, Probably Nodular
Stage at Bx: None
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: High dose il2, PR; Tremelimumab/CD40- received 1 dose of Treme and 2 doses of CP 870,893, PD
Immune therapy prior to Bx: NRASQ61K
WM4314-2 72 M Biopsy site: right axillary LN recurrence
Primary tumor type: Right mid back, nodular
Stage at Bx: None
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: on ipi start 9/17/14
Immune therapy prior to Bx: submitted
WM3907-1 62 F Biopsy site: Right frontal craniotomy
Primary tumor type:
Stage at Bx: off PLX4032 3d, brain met
Targeted therapy prior to Bx:
Immune therapy prior to Bx: BRAFV600E
Mutation: 75
RPPA: Krepler et al., 2016 Clin Cancer Res; 22(7) April 1, 2016.
WM3973 61 Male Biopsy site: FNA
Primary tumor type:
Stage at Bx: post PLX
Targeted therapy prior to Bx: now on ipi (3/13), SD
Immune therapy prior to Bx: BRAFV600E HOM
Mutation: 70,83
RPPA: Krepler et al., 2016 Clin Cancer Res; 22(7) April 1, 2016.
WM3903-1 61 M Biopsy site: skin
Primary tumor type:
Stage at Bx: relapsed still on PLX4032
Targeted therapy prior to Bx:
Immune therapy prior to Bx: BRAFV600E
Mutation: 75
RPPA: Krepler et al., 2016 Clin Cancer Res; 22(7) April 1, 2016.

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