Integrated High-Quality In Vivo Services
For Safety Evaluations
Safety pharmacology evaluations are essential in assessing acute risks and potential undesirable effects of novel pharmaceuticals as part of IND-enabling programs.
Use our deep expertise in safety assessment to your advantage. At Inotiv, our team understands the importance and complexity of the drug development process and will be there to guide you to success by offering an integrated safety pharmacology solution that includes respiratory, central nervous system and cardiovascular as a standalone safety pharmacology service or as part of a full IND/CTA program.
Bringing over 20 years of Safety Pharmacology Industry Experience
Safety Pharmacology studies assess potential effects of a new drug on physiological functions across a dose range that encompasses and surpasses therapeutic levels.
Data collected during preclinical safety pharmacology studies can help calculate a projected safety margin with the goal of protecting clinical trial volunteers from acute, adverse effects of drugs.
Safety pharmacology and other pharmacology testing share the goal of understanding how a drug affects the body, but they differ in their specific focus and objectives. Here's a breakdown of the key differences:
Safety pharmacology is a precautionary screening to identify potential red flags before human testing.
Other pharmacology testing focuses on understanding how the drug works and if it achieves its intended effect.
Here are some timesaving measures you can incorporate into safety pharmacology (SP) studies:
Here are some additional studies that can be run in parallel with safety pharmacology (SP) studies to optimize the drug development timeline:
These studies explore the relationship between a drug's concentration in the body and its pharmacological effects. Running PK/PD studies in parallel with SP studies can be beneficial because:
The specific timeframe for safety pharmacology studies can vary depending on several factors, but typically falls within a range of 2 to 6 months.
Remember: While speed is important, scientific rigor and data quality are paramount. It's important to consult with a study team and regulatory bodies to get a more accurate timeframe for your specific needs.
The primary guidelines for safety pharmacology studies can be found in the harmonized guidelines developed by the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH).
ICH M3(R2), released in 1997, is a Pharm/Tox for nonclinical multidisciplinary guidance document, that tells us a lot about both clinical and nonclinical studies. Per this document, is it recommended that safety pharmacology studies should generally be conducted before human exposure.
ICH S6, also released in 1997, provides guidance on the preclinical safety evaluation of biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals. Examples would include, but aren’t limited to, oligonucleotides, vaccines and monoclonal antibodies. Drugs like these may have unique safety considerations compared to small molecule drugs.
ICH S7A, released in 2001, outlines the core battery studies, discussed earlier. This document was developed with the primary intent of protecting clinical trial participants from potential adverse effects of new compounds. The guidelines outline details that assist Inotiv in avoiding unnecessary use of animals and resources.
ICH S7B, released in 2005, recommends a general nonclinical testing strategy for determining the likelihood of a non-cardiovascular pharmaceutical delaying ventricular repolarization, or prolonging QT. The in vivo evaluation described in S7B is commonly known as the QT Core Assay. S7B also provides detailed guidelines for the hERG assay. The QTc core assay and hERG studies are complementary and assist in the estimation of human cardiovascular risk.
ICH S9, released in 2010, provides guidance on the nonclinical evaluation of anticancer pharmaceuticals meant to treat cancer indications.
ICH E14 and S7B, released in 2022, establishes a connection between clinical evaluation (ICH E14) and preclinical assessment (ICH S7B) in the context of cardiac safety during drug development. This Questions and Answers document introduces the concept of a “double negative” nonclinical scenario (negative hERG assay and negative in vivo QTc Study) to demonstrate that a drug does not produce a clinically relevant QT liability. A “double negative” nonclinical data package, along with negative Phase 1 clinical QTc data, may be sufficient to substitute for a clinical TQT study in some cases (sections 5.1 and 6.1) The Q&As define particular statistical evaluations that can be used to demonstrate both the lab's historical assay sensitivity and the study-specific sensitivity regarding QTc.
The ideal time to conduct your safety pharmacology (SP) study is before the first administration of the drug to humans. Here's why:
Here are some additional points to consider:
Conducting your safety pharmacology study before the first administration in humans is the recommended and standard approach for maximizing safety and meeting regulatory requirements.
Selecting the appropriate animal model for safety pharmacology (SP) studies is crucial for generating reliable and predictive data and several factors should be considered.
By carefully considering these factors, you can select the most appropriate animal model for your SP studies and generate high-quality data to support drug development.
Safety pharmacology (SP) studies are generally not required under a few conditions, but it's important to note that these are exceptions and careful justification is needed. Here are some scenarios where SP studies might be waived or minimized:
However, justification is crucial. You'll need to provide data demonstrating low systemic exposure, potentially through studies like:
ADME Studies: These studies assess how the drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted. They can help confirm minimal systemic exposure.
For certain well-established drug classes with a long history of safe use, and for drugs with a similar mechanism of action to these established drugs, SP studies might be partially waived or require a reduced battery of tests.
Here too, justification is needed. You'll need to demonstrate the drug belongs to a class with a well-established safety profile and provide relevant scientific references.
In the very early stages of drug discovery, for exploratory compounds with limited information, basic SP studies might be sufficient. These studies might focus on a single organ system most relevant to the drug's target or potential off-target effects.
Even here, justification is important. You'll need to explain the rationale for the limited scope of SP studies and outline plans for more comprehensive studies as development progresses.
Safety pharmacology (SP) studies are primarily applicable to the pharmaceutical industry, specifically for companies developing new drugs. These studies are a crucial step in the drug development process to assess a drug's potential impact on vital organ systems before administering it to humans. However, the importance of understanding a drug's safety profile extends beyond pharmaceuticals.
It's important to note that the extent to which SP studies are required in these non-pharmaceutical industries will depend on the specific regulatory landscape and the nature of the product being developed. Consulting with regulatory bodies is crucial to determine if SP studies are necessary.
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