
Renal dysfunction resulting from acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a prevalent clinical condition for which there is a need for effective preventative and therapeutic strategies. Whereas AKI is typically abrupt in nature, CKD develops gradually over time causing a progressive deterioration in renal function. Although temporally distinct, AKI and CKD are closely related and interconnected, with each syndrome representing a risk factor for the other. Furthermore, both AKI and CKD are linked to other clinical disorders such as hypertension and heart disease resulting in cardiorenal syndrome. Inotiv offers a wide array of animal paradigms that model human conditions of AKI and CKD, including acute renal failure, acute and chronic renal ischemia/reperfusion, nephrotoxicity, and diabetic nephropathy.

Acute Kidney Injury & Failure (AKI / ARF)

Model Species Top Tier Data
 Unilateral Ureter Occlusion (UUO) Rat & Mouse • Renal Histology (fibrosis)
• Renal Gene Expression
• Kidney Cortex Hydroxyproline
• Blood Pressure (direct and indirect)
• Creatinine Clearance, GFR
• Urinary Protein, KIM1, NGAL, Albumin, MCP-1, Osteopontin
• Serum Creatinine, BUN, Electrolytes
Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R) Rat & Mouse
Glycerol Induced Rhabdomyolysis Rat  



Model Species Top Tier Data
Cisplatin Mouse • Creatinine Clearance
• Urinary Protein, KIM1, NGAL, Albumin, MCP1
• Serum Creatinine, BUN
Acute Streptozotocin Mouse
Puromycin (PAN) Rat


Chronic Kidney Disease & Renal Insufficiency

Model Species Top Tier Data
Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Rat & Mouse • Creatinine Clearance, GFR
• Urinary Protein, KIM1, NGAL, Albumin
• Serum Creatinine, BUN
• Blood pressure (Direct & Indirect)
• Creatinine Clearance, GFR
• Urinary Protein, KIM1, NGAL, Albumin, MCP-1
• Serum Creatinine, BUN, Electrolytes
• Plasma NT-proBNP, NT-proANP
5/6 NPX + NaCl (pole ablation method) Rat & Mouse
5/6 NPX (renal infarction method) Rat
DOCA + Salt Rat

Autoimmune Kidney Injury

Model Species Top Tier Data
Nephrotoxic Serum Nephritis
(Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Ab)
Mouse • Creatinine Clearance
• Urinary Protein, KIM1, NGAL, Albumin
• Serum Creatinine, BUN
Passive Heymann Nephritis (Anti-Fx1A ab) Rat

Diabetic Nephropathy

Model Species Top Tier Data
ZSF-1 (±NaCl, ±NPX) Rat • Blood Pressure (Direct & Indirect)
• Creatinine Clearance, GFR
• Urinary Protein, KIM1, NGAL, Osteopontin Albumin
• Serum Creatinine, Bun, Electrolytes Triglycerides, Glucose, HbA1C
• Kidney Histology (fibrosis, macrophages)
• Kidney Profibrotic & Proinflammatory mRNA Expression
• Cardiac Histology (Fibrosis, macrophages)
• Cardiac Gene Expression
• Echocardiography
Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) Rat
db/db Mouse (±NPX) Mouse
BtBr Mouse Mouse
Streptozotocin (±NPX) Mouse
(Rat – Under Development)

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