
Computational Toxicology

Implementation of Zebrafish Ontologies for Toxicology Screening

March 11, 2022
Thessen Anne E., Marvel Skylar, Achenbach J. C., Fischer Stephan, Haendel Melissa A., Hayward Kimberly, Klüver Nils, Könemann Sarah, Legradi Jessica, Lein Pamela, Leong Connor, Mylroie J. Erik, Padilla Stephanie, Perone Dante, Planchart Antonio, Prieto Rafael Miñana, Muriana Arantza, Quevedo Celia, Reif David, Ryan Kristen, Stinckens Evelyn, Truong Lisa, Vergauwen Lucia, Vom Berg Colette, Wilbanks Mitch, Yaghoobi Bianca, Hamm Jon

Application of open-source PBPK models in rat-to-human pharmacokinetic extrapolation of oral nicotine exposure

November 1, 2021
David E Hines, Jingjie Zhang, Xiaoqing Chang, Shannon M. Bell, K. Monica Lee,

Application of open-source PBPK models in rat-to-human pharmacokinetic extrapolation of oral nicotine exposure

August 27, 2021
David E Hines, Jingjie Zhang, Xiaoqing ChangShannon M. Bell, K. Monica Lee

Retrospective analysis of dermal absorption triple pack data

March 17, 2021
Allen, D. G., Rooney, J., Kleinstreuer, N. ., Lowit, A. and Perron, M.

Mind the gaps: Prioritizing activities to meet regulatory needs for acute systemic lethality

January 21, 2021
Sullivan, K., Allen, D. G., Clippinger, A. J., Wilson, D. M., Edwards, S. W., Glover, K., Mansouri, K., Settivari, R., Wijeyesakere, S. J. and Casey, W.

Using the monocyte activation test as a stand-alone release test for medical devices

January 12, 2021
Brown, J., Clippinger, A. J., Fritz Briglia, C. ., Casey, W., Coleman, K., Fritsch, A., Hartung, T., Maouyo, D., Muller, T., Reich, J., Robert, L., Roeder, R., Sanchez, G., Sawyer, A. Y., Solati, S., Tirumalai, R., Zwisler, W. and Allen, D.

An integrated chemical environment with tools for chemical safety testing

June 14, 2020
Bell S, Abedini J, Ceger P, Chang X, Cook B, Karmaus AL, Lea, I, Mansouri K, Phillips J, McAfee E, Rai R, Rooney J, Sprankle C, Tandon A, Allen D, Casey W, and Kleinstreuer N

Development, Validation and Integration of in Silico Models to Identify Androgen Active Chemicals

June 9, 2020
Serena Manganelli, Alessandra Roncaglioni, Kamel Mansouri, Richard S Judson, Emilio Benfenati, Alberto Manganaro, Patricia Ruiz

Confirmation of high-throughput screening data and novel mechanistic insights into VDR-xenobiotic interactions by orthogonal assays

June 11, 2018
Debabrata Mahapatra, Jill A. Franzosa, Kyle Roell, Melaine Agnes Kuenemann, Keith A. Houck, David M. Reif, Denis Fourches & Seth W. Kullman

Genetic Toxicology

A Modern Genotoxicity Testing Paradigm: Integration of the High-Throughput CometChip® and the TGx-DDI Transcriptomic Biomarker in Human HepaRG™ Cell Cultures

August 18, 2021
Buick Julie K., Williams Andrew, Meier Matthew J., Swartz Carol D., Recio Leslie, Gagné Rémi, Ferguson Stephen S., Engelward Bevin P., Yauk Carole L.

Absence of genotoxicity of purified Aloe vera whole leaf dry juice as assessed by an in vitro mouse lymphoma tk assay and an in vivo comet assay in male F344 rats

March 16, 2021
Jiang Hu, Mel Lloyd, Cheryl Hobbs, Peter Cox, Keith Burke, Gareth Pearce, Michael A. Streicker, Quanyin Gao, Vasilios Frankos

Recommendations for conducting the rodent erythrocyte Pig-a assay: A report from the HESI GTTC Pig-a Workgroup

February 20, 2021
Stephen D Dertinger, Javed A Bhalli, Daniel J Roberts, Leon F Stankowski Jr, B Bhaskar Gollapudi, David P Lovell , Leslie Recio, Takafumi Kimoto, Daishiro Miura, Robert H Heflich

Integrated in silico and in vitro genotoxicity assessment of thirteen data-poor substances.

October 14, 2019
Tran YK, Buick JK, Keir JLA, Williams A, Swartz CD Recio L, White PA, Lambert IB, Yauk CL

Genotoxicity evaluation of the naturally-derived food colorant, gardenia blue, and its precursor, genipin

June 4, 2018
Cheryl Hobbs, Mihoko Koyanagi, Carol SwartzJeffrey Davis, Robert Maronpot, Leslie Recio, Shim-mo Hayashi

Carcinogenic activity of pentabrominated diphenyl ether mixture (DE-71) in rats and mice

May 14, 2018

J.K. Dunnick, A.R. Pandiri, B.A. Merrick, G.E. Kissling, H. Cunny, E. Mutlu, S. Waidyanatha, R. Sills, H.L. Hong, TV. Ton, T. MaynorL. Recio, S.L. Phillips, M.J. Devito, A. Brix

Role of pathology peer review in interpretation of the comet assay

May 11, 2018
R. R. Maronpot, Cheryl A. Hobbs, Shim-mo Hayashi

Black cohosh extracts and powders induce micronuclei, a biomarker of genetic damage, in human cells

April 25, 2018
Stephanie L. Smith‐Roe, Carol D. Swartz, Kim G. Shepard, Steven M. Bryce, Stephen D. Dertinger, Suramya Waidyanatha, Grace E. Kissling, Scott S. Auerbach, Kristine L. Witt

Transcriptional profiling of male CD-1 mouse lungs and harderian glands supports the involvement of calcium signaling in acrylamide-induced tumors

February 26, 2018
Nikolai L. Chepeleva, Rémi Gagné⁠, Timothy Maynor⁠, Byron Kuo⁠, Cheryl A. HobbsLeslie Recio, Carole L. Yauk⁠

Magnesium stearate, a widely-used food additive, exhibits a lack of in vitro and in vivo genotoxic potential

February 26, 2018
Cheryl A. Hobbs, Kazuhiko Saigo, Mihoko Koyanagi, Shim-mo Hayashi

Comprehensive evaluation of the flavonol anti-oxidants, alpha-glycosyl isoquercitrin and isoquercitrin, for genotoxic potential

February 23, 2018
Cheryl A. Hobbs, Mihoko Koyanagi, Carol SwartzJeffrey Davis, Sawako Kasamoto, Robert Maronpot, Leslie Recio, Shim-mo Hayashi

In Vitro Toxicology

May 17, 2022
Development of a 96-Well Electrophilic Allergen Screening Assay for Skin Sensitization Using a Measurement Science Approach

Petersen, Elijah J., Richard Uhl, Blaza Toman, John T. Elliott, Judy Strickland, James Truax, and John Gordon

May 9, 2022
Quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolation for developmental toxicity potency of valproic acid analogues
Xiaoqing Chang, Jessica Palmer, Annie Lumen, Un Jung Lee, Patricia Ceger, Kamel Mansouri, Catherine Sprankle, Elizabeth Donley, Shannon Bell, Thomas B. Knudsen, John Wambaugh, Bethany CookDavid Allen, Nicole Kleinstreuer

May 1, 2022
IVIVE: Facilitating the Use of In Vitro Toxicity Data in Risk Assessment and Decision Making
Chang X, Tan YM, Allen DG, Bell S, Brown PC, Browning L, Ceger P, Gearhart J, Hakkinen PJ, Kabadi SV, Kleinstreuer NC, Lumen A, Matheson J, Paini A, Pangburn HA, Petersen EJ, Reinke EN, Ribeiro AJS, Sipes N, Sweeney LM, Wambaugh JF, Wange R, Wetmore BA, Mumtaz M

A Modern Genotoxicity Testing Paradigm: Integration of the High-Throughput CometChip® and the TGx-DDI Transcriptomic Biomarker in Human HepaRG™ Cell Cultures

August 18, 2021
Buick Julie K., Williams Andrew, Meier Matthew J., Swartz Carol D., Recio Leslie, Gagné Rémi, Ferguson Stephen S., Engelward Bevin P., Yauk Carole L.

Retrospective analysis of dermal absorption triple pack data

March 17, 2021
Allen, D. G., Rooney, J., Kleinstreuer, N. ., Lowit, A. and Perron, M.

Transcriptomic pathway and benchmark dose analysis of Bisphenol A, Bisphenol S, Bisphenol F, and 3,3′,5,5′-Tetrabromobisphenol A in H9 human embryonic stem cells

January 25, 2021
Vian Peshdary, Cheryl A. Hobbs, Timothy Maynorc, Kim Shepard, Remi Gagné, Andrew Williams, Byron Kuo, Nikolai Chepelev, Leslie Recio, Carole Yauk, Ella Atlas

Confirmation of high-throughput screening data and novel mechanistic insights into VDR-xenobiotic interactions by orthogonal assays

June 11, 2018
Debabrata Mahapatra, Jill A. Franzosa, Kyle Roell, Melaine Agnes Kuenemann, Keith A. Houck, David M. Reif, Denis Fourches & Seth W. Kullman

Genotoxicity evaluation of the naturally-derived food colorant, gardenia blue, and its precursor, genipin

June 4, 2018
Cheryl Hobbs, Mihoko Koyanagi, Carol SwartzJeffrey Davis, Robert Maronpot, Leslie Recio, Shim-mo Hayashi

Magnesium stearate, a widely-used food additive, exhibits a lack of in vitro and in vivo genotoxic potential

February 26, 2018
Cheryl A. Hobbs, Kazuhiko Saigo, Mihoko Koyanagi, Shim-mo Hayashi

In Vitro to In Vivo extrapolation for high throughput prioritization and decision making

January 3, 2018
Shannon M. Bell, Xiaoqing Chang, John F. Wambaugh, David G. Allen, Mike Bartels, Kim L.R. Brouwer, Warren M. Casey, Neepa Choksi, Stephen S. Ferguson, Grazyna Fraczkiewicz, Annie M. Jarabek, Alice Ke, Annie Lumen, Scott G. Lynn, Alicia Paini, Paul S. Price, Caroline Ring, Ted W. Simon, Nisha S. Sipes, Catherine S. Sprankle,Nicole C. Kleinstreuer

In Vivo Toxicology

Evaluation of Variability Across Rat Acute Oral Systemic Toxicity Studies

April 15, 2022
Agnes L Karmaus, Kamel Mansouri, Kimberly T To, Bevin Blake, Jeremy Fitzpatrick, Judy Strickland, Grace Patlewicz, David Allen, Warren Casey, Nicole Kleinstreuer
April 13, 2022
Hines David E., Bell Shannon, Chang Xiaoqing, Mansouri Kamel, Allen David, Kleinstreuer Nicole

Whole-body inhalation exposure to 2-ethyltoluene for two weeks produced nasal lesions in rats and mice

December 10, 2021
Madelyn C. Huang, Cynthia J. Willson, Sridhar Jaligama, Gregory L. Baker, Alan W. Singer, Yu Cao, Jessica Pierfelice, Esra Mutlu, Brian Burback, Guanhua Xie, David E. Malarkey, Barney Sparrow, Kristen Ryan, Matthew Stout, Georgia K. Roberts

RNA-sequencing (transcriptomic) data collected in liver and lung of male and female B6C3F1 mice exposed to various dose levels of 4-methylimidazole for 2, 5, or 28 days

September 23, 2021
Michael B. Black, Melvin E. Andersen, Salil N. Pendse, Susan J. Borghoff, Michael Streicker, Patrick D. McMullen

Immunotoxicity studies of sulfolane following developmental exposure in Hsd:Sprague Dawley SD rats and adult exposure in B6C3F1/N mice

August 6, 2021
AtLee T. D. Watson, Victor J. Johnson, Michael I. Luster, Gary R. Burleson, Dawn M. Fallacara, Barney R. Sparrow, Mark F. Cesta, Michelle C. Cora, Keith R. Shockley, Matt D. Stout, Chad R. Blystone, Dori R. Germolec

Disposition and metabolism of ethylene glycol 2-ethylhexyl ether in Sprague Dawley rats, B6C3F1/N mice, and in vitro in rat hepatocytes

March 26, 2021
AtLee T. D. Watson, Benjamin C. Moeller, Melanie Doyle-Eisele, Edwin Garner, Chad R. Blystone, Jacob D. McDonald & Suramya Waidyanatha

Retinal cone photoreceptor distribution in the American black bear (Ursus americanus)

June 8, 2020
Jennifer L. Heyward Benjamin D. Reynolds Melanie L. Foster Kate E. Archibald Michael K. Stoskopf Freya M. Mowat

Genotoxicity evaluation of the naturally-derived food colorant, gardenia blue, and its precursor, genipin

June 4, 2018
Cheryl Hobbs, Mihoko Koyanagi, Carol SwartzJeffrey Davis, Robert Maronpot, Leslie Recio, Shim-mo Hayashi

Magnesium stearate, a widely-used food additive, exhibits a lack of in vitro and in vivo genotoxic potential

February 26, 2018
Cheryl A. Hobbs, Kazuhiko Saigo, Mihoko Koyanagi, Shim-mo Hayashi

Comprehensive evaluation of the flavonol anti-oxidants, alpha-glycosyl isoquercitrin and isoquercitrin, for genotoxic potential

February 23, 2018
Cheryl A. Hobbs, Mihoko Koyanagi, Carol SwartzJeffrey Davis, Sawako Kasamoto, Robert Maronpot, Leslie Recio, Shim-mo Hayashi

In Vitro to In Vivo extrapolation for high throughput prioritization and decision making

January 3, 2018
Shannon M. Bell, Xiaoqing Chang, John F. Wambaugh, David G. Allen, Mike Bartels, Kim L.R. Brouwer, Warren M. Casey, Neepa Choksi, Stephen S. Ferguson, Grazyna Fraczkiewicz, Annie M. Jarabek, Alice Ke, Annie Lumen, Scott G. Lynn, Alicia Paini, Paul S. Price, Caroline Ring, Ted W. Simon, Nisha S. Sipes, Catherine S. Sprankle,Nicole C. Kleinstreuer


May 9, 2022
Quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolation for developmental toxicity potency of valproic acid analogues
Xiaoqing Chang, Jessica Palmer, Annie Lumen, Un Jung Lee, Patricia Ceger, Kamel Mansouri, Catherine Sprankle, Elizabeth Donley, Shannon Bell, Thomas B. Knudsen, John Wambaugh, Bethany CookDavid Allen, Nicole Kleinstreuer

May 1, 2022
IVIVE: Facilitating the Use of In Vitro Toxicity Data in Risk Assessment and Decision Making
Chang X, Tan YM, Allen DG, Bell S, Brown PC, Browning L, Ceger P, Gearhart J, Hakkinen PJ, Kabadi SV, Kleinstreuer NC, Lumen A, Matheson J, Paini A, Pangburn HA, Petersen EJ, Reinke EN, Ribeiro AJS, Sipes N, Sweeney LM, Wambaugh JF, Wange R, Wetmore BA, Mumtaz M


June 3, 2022
Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee Points to Consider: Primary Digital Histopathology Evaluation and Peer Review for Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Nonclinical Toxicology Studies

Thomas Forest, Famke Aeffner, Dinesh S. Bangari, Bhupinder Bawa, Jonathan Carter, James Fikes, Wanda High, Shim-mo Hayashi, Matthew Jacobsen, LuAnn McKinney, Daniel Rudmann, Thomas Steinbach, Vanessa Schumacher, Oliver Turner, Jerrold M. Ward, Cynthia J. Willson

Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee Brief Communication: 2019 Survey on Use of Digital Histopathology Systems in Nonclinical Toxicology Studies

March 23, 2022
Thomas Forest, Famke Aeffner, Dinesh S. Bangari, Bhupinder Bawa, Jonathan Carter, James Fikes, Wanda B. High, Shim-mo Hayashi, Matthew Jacobsen, LuAnn McKinney, Daniel Rudmann, Thomas Steinbach, Vanessa Schumacher, Oliver C. Turner, Jerrold M. Ward, Cynthia J. Willson

A Multi-Institutional Collaboration to Understand Neoplasia, Treatment and Survival of Snakes

January 21, 2022
Duke, Elizabeth G., Scott H. Harrison, Anneke Moresco, Tim Trout, Brigid V. Troan, Michael M. Garner, Madison Smith, Sidney Smith, and Tara M. Harrison

Investigation of Potassium Chloride for Euthanasia of Anesthetized Marine Toads (Rhinella marina)

January 18, 2022
Meghan M. Louis, Gregory Scott, Dustin Smith, Brigid V. Troan, Larry J. Minter, Julie A. Balko

Whole-body inhalation exposure to 2-ethyltoluene for two weeks produced nasal lesions in rats and mice

December 10, 2021
Madelyn C. Huang, Cynthia J. Willson, Sridhar Jaligama, Gregory L. Baker, Alan W. Singer, Yu Cao, Jessica Pierfelice, Esra Mutlu, Brian Burback, Guanhua Xie, David E. Malarkey, Barney Sparrow, Kristen Ryan, Matthew Stout, Georgia K. Roberts

Effects of Buprenorphine, Chlorhexidine, and Low-level Laser Therapy on Wound Healing in Mice

June 29, 2021
Donna R Webb, Sheba R Churchill, Georgette D Hill, Christopher A McGee, Min Shi, Angela P King-Herbert, Terry L Blankenship-Paris

The Role of IgM Antibodies in T Cell Lymphoma Protection in a Novel Model Resembling Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma

April 21, 2021
Chuancang Jiang, Ming-Lang Zhao, Luis Ramos, Katarzyna Dobaczewska, Ronald Herbert, Kristen Hobbie, Zbigniew Mikulski, Laurent Verkoczy and Marilyn Diaz

alpha-Glycosyl Isoquercitrin (AGIQ) and its lack of carcinogenicity in rasH2 mice

April 2, 2021
Debabrata Mahapatra, Douglas A. Donahue, Abraham Nyska, Shim-mo Hayashi, Mihoko Koyanagi, Robert R. Maronpot

Using Artificial Intelligence to Detect, Classify, and Objectively Score Severity of Rodent Cardiomyopathy

December 9, 2020
Debra A. Tokarz, Thomas J. Steinbach, Avinash Lokhande, Gargi Srivastava, Rajesh Ugalmugle, Caroll A. Co, Keith R. Shockley, Emily Singletary, Mark F. Cesta, Heath C. Thomas, Vivian S. Chen, Kristen Hobbie, Torrie A. Crabbs

Risk of Bias Assessments and Evidence Syntheses for Observational Epidemiologic Studies of Environmental and Occupational Exposures: Strengths and Limitations

September 18, 2020
Kyle Steenland, M.K. Schubauer-Berigan, R. Vermeulen, R.M. Lunn, K. Straif, S. Zahm, P. Stewart, W.D. Arroyave, S.S. Mehta, and N. Pearce

Developmental Exposure of Zebrafish to Vitamin D Receptor Acting Drugs and Environmental Toxicants Disrupts Behavioral Function

June 5, 2020
Anthony Oliveri , Lilah Glazer, Debabrata Mahapatra, Seth Kullman, Edward D Levin

In utero exposure to arsenite contributes to metabolic and reproductive dysfunction in male offspring of CD-1 mice

May 29, 2020
Karina Rodriguez, Namya Mellouk, Erica Ungewitter, Barbara Nicol, Chang Liu, Paula R. Brown, Cynthia J. Willson, Humphrey H.-C.Yao

Multigenerational Reproductive Assessment of 4-Methylimidazole administered in the diet to Hsd:Sprague Dawley SD rats

March 31, 2020
Mamta Behl, Cynthia J. Willson, Helen Cunny, Paul M.D.Foster, Barry McIntyre, Cynthia Shackelford, Keith R. Shockley, Sandra McBride, Katie Turner, Suramya Waidyanatha, Chad R. Blystone

Methods for Cryosectioning and Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Whole-Body Zebrafish

March 19, 2020
Whitney L. Stutts, Megan M. Knuth, Måns Ekelöf, Debabrata Mahapatra, Seth W. Kullman, David C. Muddiman

Proceedings of the 2019 National Toxicology Program Satellite Symposium

November 1, 2019
Susan A. Elmore, Mark F. Cesta, Torrie A. Crabbs, Kyathanahalli S. Janardhan, Gregory A. Krane, Debabrata Mahapatra, Erin M. Quist, Matthias Rinke, George W. Schaaf, Gregory S. Travlos, Haoan Wang, Cynthia J. Willson, and Jeffrey C. Wolf

Epithelial membrane protein 2 governs transepithelial migration of neutrophils into the airspace

October 14, 2019
Wan-Chi Lin, Kymberly M. Gowdy, Jennifer H. Madenspacher, Rachel L. Zemans, Kazuko Yamamoto, Miranda R. Lyons-Cohen, Hideki Nakano, Kyathanahalli Janardhan, Carmen J. Williams, Donald N. Cook, Joseph P. Mizgerd, and Michael B. Fessler

National Toxicology Program Position Statement on Informed (“Nonblinded”) Analysis in Toxicologic Pathology Evaluation

September 20, 2019
Robert C. Sills, Mark F. Cesta, Cynthia J. Willson, Amy E. Brix, Brian R. Berridge

Looking Forward: Cutting-Edge Technologies and Skills for Pathologists in the Future

September 17, 2019
Kyathanahalli S. Janardhan, Rebecca Kohnken, Oliver C. Turner, Channabasavaiah B. Gurumurthy, Ramesh C. Kovi

Comparative Incidences and Biological Outcomes for Thymoma in Various Rat Strains in National Toxicology Program Studies.

August 13, 2019
Moore RR, Nagai H, Miller RA, Hardisty JF, Allison N, Shockley KR, Malarkey DE

Efficient CD4Cre-Mediated Conditional KRas Expression in Alveolar Macrophages and Alveolar Epithelial Cells Causes Fatal Hyperproliferative Pneumonitis

July 31, 2019
Pengcheng Chen, Shang Wang, Kyathanahalli S. Janardhan, Rachel L. Zemans, Wenhai Deng, Peer Karmaus, Shudan Shen, Mary Sunday, Loretta G. Que, Michael B. Fessler and Xiao-Ping Zhong

ERBB2 Regulates MED24 during Cancer Progression in Mice with Pten and Smad4 Deletion in the Pulmonary Epithelium

July 31, 2019
Jian Liu, Tianyuan Wang, Cynthia J. WillsonKyathanahalli S. Janardhan, San-Pin Wu, Jian-Liang Li and Francesco J. DeMayo

Do GISTs Occur in Rats and Mice? Immunohistochemical Characterization of Gastrointestinal Tumors Diagnosed as Smooth Muscle Tumors in The National Toxicology Program

July 31, 2019
Kyathanahalli S. Janardhan, Priyanka Venkannagari, Heather Jensen, Mark J. Hoenerhoff, Ronald A. Herbert, David E. Malarkey, Robert C. Sills, Arun R. Pandiri

JNK1/2 represses Lkb1-deficiency-induced lung squamous cell carcinoma progression

July 31, 2019
Jian Liu, Tianyuan Wang, Chad J. Creighton, San-Pin Wu, Madhumita Ray, Kyathanahalli S. JanardhanCynthia J. Willson, Sung-Nam Cho, Patricia D. Castro, Michael M. Ittmann, Jian-Liang Li, Roger J. Davis & Francesco J. DeMayo

Maternal vitamin D deficiency and developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD)

July 31, 2019
Folami Y Ideraabdullah, Anthony M Belenchia, Cheryl S Rosenfeld, Seth W Kullman, Megan Knuth, Debabrata Mahapatra, Michael Bereman, Edward D Levin, and Catherine A Peterson

Proceedings of the 2018 National Toxicology Program Satellite Symposium

October 8, 2018
Susan A. Elmore, Vinicius Carreira, Caralyn S. Labriola, Debabrata Mahapatra, Sean R. McKeag, Matthias Rinke, Cynthia Shackelford, Bhanu Singh, Ashley Talley, Shannon M. Wallace, Lyn M. Wancket, Cynthia J. Willson

Comparative inhalation toxicity of ethyltoluene isomers in rats and mice

January 29, 2018
Georgia K. Roberts, Cynthia J. Willson, Dorian S. Olivera, David E. Malarkey &
Daniel L. Morgan


Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee Brief Communication: 2019 Survey on Use of Digital Histopathology Systems in Nonclinical Toxicology Studies

March 23, 2022
Thomas Forest, Famke Aeffner, Dinesh S. Bangari, Bhupinder Bawa, Jonathan Carter, James Fikes, Wanda B. High, Shim-mo Hayashi, Matthew Jacobsen, LuAnn McKinney, Daniel Rudmann, Thomas Steinbach, Vanessa Schumacher, Oliver C. Turner, Jerrold M. Ward, Cynthia J. Willson

A Multi-Institutional Collaboration to Understand Neoplasia, Treatment and Survival of Snakes

January 21, 2022
Duke, Elizabeth G., Scott H. Harrison, Anneke Moresco, Tim Trout, Brigid V. Troan, Michael M. Garner, Madison Smith, Sidney Smith, and Tara M. Harrison

Investigation of Potassium Chloride for Euthanasia of Anesthetized Marine Toads (Rhinella marina)

January 18, 2022
Meghan M. Louis, Gregory Scott, Dustin Smith, Brigid V. Troan, Larry J. Minter, Julie A. Balko

Whole-body inhalation exposure to 2-ethyltoluene for two weeks produced nasal lesions in rats and mice

December 10, 2021
Madelyn C. Huang, Cynthia J. Willson, Sridhar Jaligama, Gregory L. Baker, Alan W. Singer, Yu Cao, Jessica Pierfelice, Esra Mutlu, Brian Burback, Guanhua Xie, David E. Malarkey, Barney Sparrow, Kristen Ryan, Matthew Stout, Georgia K. Roberts

Migration and Histologic Effects of Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE) and Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) Tags in the Marine Toad (Rhinella marina)

November 14, 2021
Cabot, Megan L., Brigid V. Troan, Kimberly Ange-van Heugten, Rodney W. Schnellbacher, Dustin Smith, Frank Ridgley, and Larry J. Minter

Effects of Buprenorphine, Chlorhexidine, and Low-level Laser Therapy on Wound Healing in Mice

June 29, 2021
Donna R Webb, Sheba R Churchill, Georgette D Hill, Christopher A McGee, Min Shi, Angela P King-Herbert, Terry L Blankenship-Paris

The Role of IgM Antibodies in T Cell Lymphoma Protection in a Novel Model Resembling Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma

April 21, 2021
Chuancang Jiang, Ming-Lang Zhao, Luis Ramos, Katarzyna Dobaczewska, Ronald Herbert, Kristen Hobbie, Zbigniew Mikulski, Laurent Verkoczy and Marilyn Diaz

alpha-Glycosyl Isoquercitrin (AGIQ) and its lack of carcinogenicity in rasH2 mice

April 2, 2021
Debabrata Mahapatra, Douglas A. Donahue, Abraham Nyska, Shim-mo Hayashi, Mihoko Koyanagi, Robert R. Maronpot

Using Artificial Intelligence to Detect, Classify, and Objectively Score Severity of Rodent Cardiomyopathy

December 9, 2020
Debra A. Tokarz, Thomas J. Steinbach, Avinash Lokhande, Gargi Srivastava, Rajesh Ugalmugle, Caroll A. Co, Keith R. Shockley, Emily Singletary, Mark F. Cesta, Heath C. Thomas, Vivian S. Chen, Kristen Hobbie, Torrie A. Crabbs

Risk of Bias Assessments and Evidence Syntheses for Observational Epidemiologic Studies of Environmental and Occupational Exposures: Strengths and Limitations

September 18, 2020
Kyle Steenland, M.K. Schubauer-Berigan, R. Vermeulen, R.M. Lunn, K. Straif, S. Zahm, P. Stewart, W.D. Arroyave, S.S. Mehta, and N. Pearce

Developmental Exposure of Zebrafish to Vitamin D Receptor Acting Drugs and Environmental Toxicants Disrupts Behavioral Function

June 5, 2020
Anthony Oliveri , Lilah Glazer, Debabrata Mahapatra, Seth Kullman, Edward D Levin

In utero exposure to arsenite contributes to metabolic and reproductive dysfunction in male offspring of CD-1 mice

May 29, 2020
Karina Rodriguez, Namya Mellouk, Erica Ungewitter, Barbara Nicol, Chang Liu, Paula R. Brown, Cynthia J. Willson, Humphrey H.-C.Yao

Multigenerational Reproductive Assessment of 4-Methylimidazole administered in the diet to Hsd:Sprague Dawley SD rats

March 31, 2020
Mamta Behl, Cynthia J. Willson, Helen Cunny, Paul M.D.Foster, Barry McIntyre, Cynthia Shackelford, Keith R. Shockley, Sandra McBride, Katie Turner, Suramya Waidyanatha, Chad R. Blystone

Methods for Cryosectioning and Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Whole-Body Zebrafish

March 19, 2020
Whitney L. Stutts, Megan M. Knuth, Måns Ekelöf, Debabrata Mahapatra, Seth W. Kullman, David C. Muddiman

Proceedings of the 2019 National Toxicology Program Satellite Symposium

November 1, 2019
Susan A. Elmore, Mark F. Cesta, Torrie A. Crabbs, Kyathanahalli S. Janardhan, Gregory A. Krane, Debabrata Mahapatra, Erin M. Quist, Matthias Rinke, George W. Schaaf, Gregory S. Travlos, Haoan Wang, Cynthia J. Willson, and Jeffrey C. Wolf

Epithelial membrane protein 2 governs transepithelial migration of neutrophils into the airspace

October 14, 2019
Wan-Chi Lin, Kymberly M. Gowdy, Jennifer H. Madenspacher, Rachel L. Zemans, Kazuko Yamamoto, Miranda R. Lyons-Cohen, Hideki Nakano, Kyathanahalli Janardhan, Carmen J. Williams, Donald N. Cook, Joseph P. Mizgerd, and Michael B. Fessler

National Toxicology Program Position Statement on Informed (“Nonblinded”) Analysis in Toxicologic Pathology Evaluation

September 20, 2019
Robert C. Sills, Mark F. Cesta, Cynthia J. Willson, Amy E. Brix, Brian R. Berridge

Looking Forward: Cutting-Edge Technologies and Skills for Pathologists in the Future

September 17, 2019
Kyathanahalli S. Janardhan, Rebecca Kohnken, Oliver C. Turner, Channabasavaiah B. Gurumurthy, Ramesh C. Kovi

Comparative Incidences and Biological Outcomes for Thymoma in Various Rat Strains in National Toxicology Program Studies.

August 13, 2019
Moore RR, Nagai H, Miller RA, Hardisty JF, Allison N, Shockley KR, Malarkey DE

Efficient CD4Cre-Mediated Conditional KRas Expression in Alveolar Macrophages and Alveolar Epithelial Cells Causes Fatal Hyperproliferative Pneumonitis

July 31, 2019
Pengcheng Chen, Shang Wang, Kyathanahalli S. Janardhan, Rachel L. Zemans, Wenhai Deng, Peer Karmaus, Shudan Shen, Mary Sunday, Loretta G. Que, Michael B. Fessler and Xiao-Ping Zhong

ERBB2 Regulates MED24 during Cancer Progression in Mice with Pten and Smad4 Deletion in the Pulmonary Epithelium

July 31, 2019
Jian Liu, Tianyuan Wang, Cynthia J. WillsonKyathanahalli S. Janardhan, San-Pin Wu, Jian-Liang Li and Francesco J. DeMayo

Do GISTs Occur in Rats and Mice? Immunohistochemical Characterization of Gastrointestinal Tumors Diagnosed as Smooth Muscle Tumors in The National Toxicology Program

July 31, 2019
Kyathanahalli S. Janardhan, Priyanka Venkannagari, Heather Jensen, Mark J. Hoenerhoff, Ronald A. Herbert, David E. Malarkey, Robert C. Sills, Arun R. Pandiri

JNK1/2 represses Lkb1-deficiency-induced lung squamous cell carcinoma progression

July 31, 2019
Jian Liu, Tianyuan Wang, Chad J. Creighton, San-Pin Wu, Madhumita Ray, Kyathanahalli S. JanardhanCynthia J. Willson, Sung-Nam Cho, Patricia D. Castro, Michael M. Ittmann, Jian-Liang Li, Roger J. Davis & Francesco J. DeMayo

Maternal vitamin D deficiency and developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD)

July 31, 2019
Folami Y Ideraabdullah, Anthony M Belenchia, Cheryl S Rosenfeld, Seth W Kullman, Megan Knuth, Debabrata Mahapatra, Michael Bereman, Edward D Levin, and Catherine A Peterson

Proceedings of the 2018 National Toxicology Program Satellite Symposium

October 8, 2018
Susan A. Elmore, Vinicius Carreira, Caralyn S. Labriola, Debabrata Mahapatra, Sean R. McKeag, Matthias Rinke, Cynthia Shackelford, Bhanu Singh, Ashley Talley, Shannon M. Wallace, Lyn M. Wancket, Cynthia J. Willson

Comparative inhalation toxicity of ethyltoluene isomers in rats and mice

January 29, 2018
Georgia K. Roberts, Cynthia J. Willson, Dorian S. Olivera, David E. Malarkey &
Daniel L. Morgan


Current ecotoxicity testing needs among selected U.S. federal agencies
June 2, 2022
Patricia Ceger, Natalia Garcia-Reyero Vinas, David Allen, Elyssa Arnold, Raanan Bloom, Jennifer C. Brennan, Carol Clarke, Karen Eisenreich, Kellie Fay, Jonathan Hamm, Paula F.P. Henry, Katherine Horak, Wesley Hunter, Donna Judkins, Patrice Klein, Nicole Kleinstreuer, Kara Koehrn, Carlie A. LaLone, James P. Laurenson, Jessica K. Leet, Anna Lowit, Scott G. Lynn, Teresa Norberg-King, Edward J. Perkins, Elijah J. Petersen, Barnett A. Rattner, Catherine S. Sprankle, Thomas Steeger, Jim E. Warren, Sarah Winfield, Edward Odenkirchen

Application of Defined Approaches for Skin Sensitization to Agrochemical Products
May 2, 2022
Strickland Judy, Truax James, Corvaro Marco, Settivari Raja, Henriquez Joseph, McFadden Jeremy, Gulledge Travis, Johnson Victor, Gehen Sean, Germolec Dori, Allen David G., Kleinstreuer Nicole

STopTox: An in Silico Alternative to Animal Testing for Acute Systemic and Topical Toxicity
February 22, 2022
Joyce V.B. Borba, Vinicius M. Alves, Rodolpho C. Braga, Daniel R. Korn, Kirsten Overdahl, Arthur C. Silva, Steven U.S. Hall, Erik Overdahl, Nicole Kleinstreuer, Judy Strickland, David Allen, Carolina Horta Andrade, Eugene N. Muratov, and Alexander Tropsha

Evaluation of Inhalation Exposures and Potential Health Impacts of Ingredient Mixtures Using in vitro to in vivo Extrapolation
February 3, 2022
Zhang Jingjie, Chang Xiaoqing, Holland Tessa L., Hines David E.Karmaus Agnes L., Bell Shannon, Lee K. Monica

Guidance document on Good Cell and Tissue Culture Practice 2.0 (GCCP 2.0)

December 9, 2021
David Pamies, Marcel Leist, Sandra Coecke, Gerard Bowe, David G Allen, Gerhard Gstraunthaler, Anna Bal-Price, Francesca Pistollato, Rob B M de Vries, Helena T Hogberg, Thomas Hartung, Glyn Stacey

U.S. Federal Agency Interests and Key Considerations for New Approach Methodologies for Nanomaterials

December 3, 2021
Elijah J. Petersen; Patricia Ceger; David G. Allen; Jayme Coyle; Raymond Derk; Natalia Garcia-Reyero; John Gordon; Nicole Kleinstreuer; Joanna Matheson; Danielle McShan; Bryant C. Nelson; Anil K. Patri; Penelope Rice; Liying Rojanasakul; Abhilash Sasidharan; Louis Scarano; Xiaoqing Chang

Comparison of Long-term Human Precision-cut Lung Slice Culture Methodology and Response to Challenge: An Argument for Standardisation

November 26, 2021
Vivek Patel, Khalid Amin, David Allen, Lindsey Ukishima, Adam Wahab, Chad Grodi, Holger Behrsing

Application of new approach methodologies: ICE tools to support chemical evaluations

November 1, 2021
Abedini JA, Cook B, Bell SMChang XQ, Choksi NYDaniel AB, Hines DE, Karmaus AL, Mansouri K, McAfee E, Phillips J, Rooney JP, Sprankle CS, Allen D, Casey WM, Kleinstreuer

Urinary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites and mortality in the United States: A prospective analysis

June 4, 2021
Achal P. Patel, Suril S. Mehta, Alexandra J. White, Nicole M. Niehoff, Whitney D. Arroyave, Amy Wang, Ruth M. Lunn

Human-Relevant Approaches to Assess Eye Corrosion/Irritation Potential of Agrochemical Formulations

April 8, 2021
Amy J Clippinger, Hans A Raabe, David G AllenNeepa Choksi, Anna van der Zalm, Nicole Kleinstreuer, João Barroso, Anna Lowit

Cockroach exposure and perceived stress interact to predict clinical outcomes in childhood asthma

March 12, 2021
Felicia A. Rabito, Derek Werthmann, Hua He, Aubrey S. Madkour, Whitney D. Arroyave, Michelle L. Sever, Thomas A. LaVeist

A weight of evidence assessment of the genotoxicity of 2,6-xylidine based on existing and new data, with relevance to safety of lidocaine exposure.

December 7, 2020
David J. Kirkland, Meredith, L. Sheil, Michael A. Streicker, George E. Johnson

Assessing Rodent Gnawing of Elastomers Containing Soybean Oil Derivatives

December 7, 2020
Richard P. Heggs, Brian C. Pierce, Lisa M. Balbes, Keenan C. McRoberts, Michael A. Streicker, and Keith B. Cockerline

Constitutive expression of progesterone receptor isoforms promotes the development of hormone-dependent ovarian neoplasms

October 16, 2020
Wetendorf M, R Li, SP Wu, J Liu, CJ Creighton, T Wang, KS Janardhan, CJ Willson, RB Lanz, BD Murphy, JP Lydon and FJ DeMayo

Vitamin D deficiency serves as a precursor to stunted growth and central adiposity in zebrafish

October 1, 2020
Megan M. Knuth, Debabrata Mahapatra, Dereje Jima, Debin Wan, Bruce D. Hammock, Mac Law & Seth W. Kullman

Challenges and recommendations on the conduct of systematic reviews of observational epidemiologic studies in environmental and occupational health

June 11, 2020
Whitney D. Arroyave, Suril S. Mehta, Neela Guha, Pam Schwingl, Kyla W. Taylor, Barbara Glenn, Elizabeth G. Radke, Nadia Vilahur, Tania Carreón, Rebecca M. Nachman & Ruth M. Lunn

Detection of circulating anti-retinal antibodies in dogs with sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome using indirect immunofluorescence: A case-control study

April 8, 2020
Freya M Mowat, Janelle Avelino, Ashley Bowyer, Vanessa Parslow, Hans D Westermeyer, Melanie L Foster, Jonathan E Fogle, Petra Bizikova

A Prospective Analysis of Red and Processed Meat Consumption and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Women

December 16, 2019
Suril S. Mehta, Whitney D. Arroyave, Ruth M. Lunn, Yong-Moon Mark Park, Windy A. Boyd and Dale P. Sandler

Differentiating between Testicular Toxicity and Sexual Immaturity in Ortho-phthalaldehyde Inhalation Toxicity Studies in Rats and Mice

October 8, 2018

Natasha R. Catlin, Cynthia J. Willson, Dianne M. Creasy, Deepa B. Rao, Grace E. Kissling, Barry S. McIntyre, Michael Wyde

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