
Histion, an Inotiv company, is a GLP compliant laboratory specializing in Histology and AnalysisAntibody Labeling (IHC), and Histomorphometric analysis for medical devices.

To learn more about the acquisition, read our news release.



Histopathology and Medical Device Evaluations; Histology





Our scientific and technical expertise has been gained from over 25 years of experience developing products for the Medical Device, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries and over 30 years of experience testing products at preclinical contract research facilities. 


Our unique combination of a broad scientific knowledge base, extensive hands-on surgical experience, and an in-depth understanding of regulatory requirements across industries, uniquely positions us to provide added value to our clients’ pre-clinical and clinical testing requirements.


Unique Experience




We have experience with a broad range of product types including novel biomaterials (metals and polymers), drugs, biologics (proteins, peptides, DNA and RNA-based products) and delivery devices (cutaneous, percutaneous, implantable, injectable, and ingestible) for a wide variety of clinical applications.

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