

In line with all research and development and breeding operations of international companies, Inotiv recognises the cultural differences and diverse local operating conditions which exist in different countries in relation to the care and use of animals in biomedical work. The objectives of this policy are to bring a harmonised approach to the ethical use of animals through:

  • Actively fostering a culture of care (towards the animals used and bred at Inotiv) at all levels of the company
  • Complying with all national and local regulations as a minimum standard with regard to the care and use of animals within our establishments
  • Achieving the highest standards of animal welfare that are compatible with attaining the scientific objectives of the studies conducted and breeding performed
  • Implementing the 3R principles of reduction, refinement and replacement
  • Fostering and encouraging the application of these objectives with our customer community and to the scientific community at large



  • There will be a sustained investment programme and maintenance schedule to ensure animal facilities, plant and equipment meet national guidelines, codes of practice and operating criteria
  • Each operating establishment will have policies, systems and procedures supporting local (national) legislative compliance and best animal welfare practices
  • Each operating establishment will provide sufficient and adequately trained staff to ensure legislative compliance and maintenance of high animal welfare standards
  • Each operating establishment will maintain an animal welfare and ethical review body (AWERB) or an institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) where required
  • AWERBs and IACUCs, where appropriate, will have responsibility for overseeing ethical review standards and processes, standards of animal care (including environmental and social enrichment) and the application of the 3R principles to all study protocols. If an AWERB or IACUC does not exist that responsibility lies with local management
  • Animal care and technical staff will hold the necessary qualifications appropriate to their positions and responsibilities
  • All members of the animal care and technical staff will receive education and training commensurate with their positions and responsibilities
  • All members of the scientific (animal studies) and animal care staff will be encouraged to undertake continuing professional development (CPD) in the field of laboratory animal science, with special reference to animal welfare and the 3R’s
  • Members of the scientific and animal care staff will be encouraged and supported in the publication and presentation of material which will further the dissemination of information on animal welfare and the application of the 3R’s
SCIENCE Surgeon - clinical@2x-2

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